In our busy schedule we see so many things happening around to which taking a small step might not change the story or will have no impact  
in doing it. You have a choice in how you interpret everything; here is a short story on “how this matter to this one”.

One beautiful morning an old man walked across the beach. Far away he came across a young boy throwing something into the breaking waves. He walked closer to see what is happening; the old man could see starfish lying on sandy beach and the boy was throwing stranded starfish from the sandy beach, back into the ocean.

Looking at this the old man asked: “What are you doing, young boy? The boy looked at him and continued throwing the starfish. ” He again asked and the boy replied “If the starfish are still on the beach when the sun rises, they will die,”

Old man looked at him and replied “That is ridiculous. There are thousands of miles of beach and millions of starfish. It doesn’t matter how many you throw in; you will not be able to make any difference.”

Boy picked another starfish and said “It matters to this one,” as he threw another starfish into the waves. “And it matters to this one.”

After reading this story I understood that the most difficult decision is to act, the rest is merely tenacity. You can act to change the world if not 100% but even 1% can create a new world.
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